Deep breaths ,count to ten ......relax . Please I am worried for you ,and your wife that this stress is going to affect your health !
I am glad your wife is seeking therapy ....can you go with her also as in couples therapy ? This would be good so that you can get to the heart of the problem ...the religious negative control in your lives.
Don't let the Elders to continue to harass you . If you have faded for two years ,and have no desire to return to the Kingdom Hall,then you no longer have anything left to discuss with them don't . Do not let them suck anymore life or energy from you . The next call firmly tell then NO MORE CONTACT !
Your wife will have to come to her own conclusions .For your part focus on making your marriage priority ,she may be under the impression that with out religious unity it is doomed to fail ....this is just not true ! Just one more fallacy the JW org.promotes to keep members under their thumb and in fear.
May I suggest :
Try sending a certified cease ,and desist letter to the Kingdom Hall .Keep it short and to the point . You feel they are ignoring your request to be left alone ,and this is unacceptable .State what you want .No more calls ect. Then make a copy for the local police station and file it with them (Make sure the Elders know this ) It also helps to state in the letter that you are writing this under the advice of legal counsel.
Knowing they can not call or show up unannounced at your door can give you a world of peace .I hope the best for you and your wife .